Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Facebook Page Announcement + Giveaway!

Hi everyone!

The last few days have felt like a whirlwind, with so many great opportunities flying my way!

Firstly, New Zealand youth magazine 'Tearaway' has given me the wonderful opportunity to write a natural and organic skincare and beauty column each month in their magazine. Not only will I be reviewing products, but I will also be offering make up and skincare tips! I can not express how excited I feel. This will give me the opportunity to reach a larger audience, and will give me invaluable experience in the journalism industry.

My second announcement is that my Facebook page is now live! I am wanting to interact with my readers more, and I think this will be the perfect way to do that! So please head along to my page HERE! and be sure to 'like' it! As a thank you to all the fans that like the page, I will be having a huge giveaway competition! The giveaway will include products I have reviewed, as well as some new ones! Already the value of the prize pack is over $150 NZD, and that is only the beginning! Details on how to be in to win will be posted on my Facebook page as soon as the prize pack is ready. I am aware I have a few readers from the US and UK, so the giveaway will be open internationally!

I look forward to hearing from you over Facebook!



  1. Hi Caitlin! How can I contact you please?

    Could you message me at so I have your e-mail.


    1. Hi there,

      Have just sent an email your way. Thank you!
